Established in August 2017, MY Football Academy has evolved from an ambitious training center into a powerhouse football club. Our journey, marked by humble beginnings, has been driven by the passion and dedication of Visionary Coach Sumit Sinha. In 2022, MY Football Academy achieved a significant milestone by getting registered in Andheri, Mumbai. This accomplishment was further elevated with the invaluable guidance of Indian National Coach Nidhi, who assumed a co-heading role with the club. Under her leadership, MYFA has made significant strides and is undergoing transformative transitions.
Certified by many Academies, coaches, players and Parents !
What began as a modest academy with 20 enthusiastic kids has now transformed into a dynamic club. MYFA has expanded its footprint with three dedicated turfs and a ground exclusively reserved for our practice sessions. The journey from finding the right grounds to practicing like professionals showcases the commitment to creating an environment where footballers can thrive.
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Head Office - isf turf, near pinacola, beverly park, kanakia. Centers - 1. ISF ground 2. JP North garden city
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